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Since 2020 Sabi Work S.r.l. is also Distance Learning

    The LMS SabiWork FAD platform has been designed, in full compliance with Agenas provisions, to manage and deliver in a complete and intuitive way:



      It allows you to structure lessons directly through the platform interface.
      The lessons are durable and repeatable with the possibility of interaction and evaluation



      Training sessions through a multimedia platform that integrates with various videoconferencing systems (zoom, big blue button).
      It allows synchronicity between students/teachers and the verification of attendance

      Main functions of the platform

      Possibility to upload educational material in various formats, including PDF and Video

      Online registration

      Check online presence

      Creating online learning quizzes

      Generation of Certificate of Attendance and ECM directly online

      By choosing Sabi Work FAD you will have unique and simple functions and features at your disposal to deliver and manage any type of training event.